Written by, Bruce Weirauch. May 24, 1967, game 2At Wrigley Field, the Reds defeat Cubs 4-3 in game 1 of a doubleheader, however Cubs come back late in game 2...
Tag - chicagocubs
Written by Seth Thomas The firehouse originally a single story built Firehouse in 1884. The firehouse on Waveland avenue the two-story structure, was...
Written by Seth Thomas, Meet Damien “The Shirt Guy” Gaytos, he wears a different Cubs outfit every single day. His Streak currently sits at 704...
Written by Seth Thomas This is the final Rebuttal from the Cubs. It is now up to a board of judges to decide if my word is federally approved. IN THE UNITED...
Written by Seth Thomas Click here to get the JavySessed Gear. T-shirts are an irreplaceable part of almost everyone’s wardrobe, so get yourself another classic...
Below is the response to the opposition of the Federal Trademark for my words Cubsessed and iamCubsessed. Both words are trademarked in the state of Illinois...
Written by Seth Thomas Below is the Chicago Cubs opposition to the approval of the Federal Trademark to my words Cubsessed and iamCubsessed. Both words are...
Written by Jennifer Scaman Anderson In May of 2016 my son Nicholas and I were involved in a car accident which totaled my car and a few weeks later...
If you can help please click on the button to make a donation. Click here to donate to the Case family. Written by Amber Case Keith Cubs Win Case has been...
Written by Seth Thomas The Chicago Cubs bullpen has been inconsistent this season to say the least. Last week my fellow Cubsessed Cub fan friend Jack and I had...